All Episodes

Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 in total

Practicing When Things are Difficult

Challenging times can be the best times to practice. Suffering is compelling, so you might find that resting awareness on your experience is easier than when things ar...

Guided Meditation: The Stages of Dying (concise)

This is a brief guided meditation on the stages of dying or 'bardos.' In Buddhism, the term 'bardo' typically refers to the intermediate state between death and rebirt...

Holding a View, True or Not

Why would I experiment of holding a view if I am not sure it's true? This experiment can cause you to learn something beyond your current knowing—through direct experi...

Common Misconceptions about Tibetan Buddhism

You know those rumors you heard about Tibetan Buddhism? Listen and see if they are true. Any time we adopt a custom, philosophy or tradition from another culture, we'r...

The Seven Branch Prayer

The mindful recitation of Seven-Branch Prayer, which is often done inside another practice—like Green Tara, for example— epitomizes all the practices of gathering the ...

Guided Meditation: Tonglen for a World in Conflict

Step into a space of introspection and compassionate inquiry as you embark on a contemplative journey through the landscape of global conflict. If you are an experienc...

Guided Meditation: Tonglen Practice for a Dying or Dead Animal

As we journey through life, our paths often intertwine with those of animals, who become companions on our journey. Their presence enriches our lives, offering us love...

Guided Meditation: Counting the Breath Meditation

Counting the breath meditation involves a deliberate and focused observation of the breath. The practitioner assumes a comfortable posture conducive to alertness and r...

Guided Meditation: Stages of the Bardos

In Tibetan Buddhism, the term "bardo" refers to the intermediate states between death and rebirth. The most well-known bardo is the "Bardo Thodol" or the "Tibetan Book...

What is an Unbounded View?

In Buddhism, the concept of the 'unbounded view' typically refers to the perception of reality that transcends narrow, limited perspectives. It involves seeing the int...

Shall I Practice the Mahayana or the Vajrayana?

The choice between practicing Mahayana or Vajrayana Buddhism is deeply personal and depends on individual inclinations, aspirations, and circumstances. Mahayana Buddhi...


In Buddhism, "tendrel" (Tibetan: རྟེན་འབྲེལ་) refers to the concept of interdependence or interconnectedness. It is closely related to the Buddhist principle of depend...

Compassion: What are we afraid of?

Compassion is the wish that the suffering of others be relieved. It's also the wish that the causes of that suffering be dispelled. When learning compassion practices,...

Generosity: Can We Offer Fearlessness to the World?

In Buddhism, one of the greatest generosities is to remove fear and the causes of fear for other beings. How can we practice generosity by offering fearlessness to oth...

Speaking of Giraffes and Dharma

In this episode I am remembering and sharing memories of my own American dharma teacher's teachings and teaching style. Even thinking about it now inspires my practice...

Five Elements Guided Meditation

A meditation in the Five Elements.  Jogen Sensei is a Zen Priest, as well as a facilitator.  You can further explore his facilitation and teachings at solisluna.orgThe...

Guided Body Scan Meditation

The body scan is an effective way to begin or nurture a meditation practice. It helps establish mindfulness. The purpose is to tune in to your body—to connect to the d...

Doubt is Your Friend

Doubt is one of the five hindrances. Doubt is also an essential element of practice. In this episode we look at the different kinds of doubt and how to navigate each. ...

Indestructible Ease and Joy

In this short podcast, Lama Lekshe talks about how to discover 'indestructible' ease and joy. This is a 'pocket practice'. You CAN take it with you--dozens of times ea...

Short Chenrezig Compassion Practice

This is a brief guided Chenrezig practice for cultivating compassion for all beings.

Practicing In Isolation on Full Moon June 5 - Saka Dawa Duchen

Celebrating Saka Dawa Duchen while in IsolationSaka Dawa Duchen is on June 5th in 2020In the Tibetan tradition, Saka Dawa is a month of celebration of the birth, enlig...

Simple Compassionate Abiding Meditation - 1

In order to be able to stay present in the experience of suffering, we have to able to rest there. Bringing awareness to the suffering of ourselves and others is a ver...

Death will Come

Death comes. Then what? Death is inevitable, so knowing how to integrate it is necessary, but what we might not know is that inside death are a number of beautiful tea...

The Sweet Joy of the Way

Live in joy, in love, Even among those who hate.Live in joy, in health. Even among the afflicted.Live in joy, in peace, Even among the troubled.Look within. Be still. ...

Bring More Joy into Your Life

In challenging times, how do you cultivate more joy? If you're suffering, one way is to suffer better. Who knew? Hear this and three other ways to increase joy. All of...

Calm Abiding in the Midst of a Storm

Everything you need to awaken is right here, right now. It's your life. Will you live it? Dekeling, in Tibetan, means 'a place of happiness'.  Our offering is to suppo...

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