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The Practice of the Tara who Dispels Pandemic

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These are the practice instructions for Jetsun Drolma Rito Loma Gyonma—one of the 21 manifestations of Tara. Her name translates as 'the Noble Lady Tara of Mountain Retreat, clothed in leaves'. Her particular compassionate activity is that she dispels pandemics and their causes. When we do this practice, we are not calling on something outside ourselves, but rather connecting with our own compassionate potential.
These are the practice instructions for Jetsun Drolma Rito Loma Gyonma—one of the 21 manifestations of Tara. Her name translates as 'the Noble Lady Tara of Mountain Retreat, clothed in leaves'. Her particular compassionate activity is that she dispels pandemics and their causes. When we do this practice, we are not calling on something outside ourselves, but rather connecting with our own compassionate potential. The practice will take approximately half an hour. 
The Practice of the Tara who Dispels Pandemic
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